Malaysia KSSM Mathematics Syllabus

Form 1, 2 & 3 Maths
Learning Platform


This website is created for the students who wants to do self-revision for Maths especially for the students who are not afford to attend tuition class. . No membership needed and all materials provided here are free of charge. Watching my teaching videos here will not help you to improve your Maths solving skill if you do not practise yourself. Learning Maths is like learning a sport, you need to practise. 

You might have watched ton of videos about the secret of learning Maths and ton of Maths teaching videos but your Maths result still the same, the main reason of this is because you do not practise enough. Try to think, if you want to be really good at playing badminton, you watch ton of videos sharing the secrets of being great at playing badminton, follow the suggested diet to improve your stamina, attend a lot of courses but you just don’t want to spend time to train, is this an effective way? I think you know the answer. 

Some other platforms that might help you in your maths learning:

YouTube Channel : M 4U

Informative Videos

Kill Your Laziness
This is How to Get FAST Results | Jim Kwik
9 Scientific Ways to Remember What You Study

The only way to learn Maths is to do Maths

Doing Maths means you solve the questions yourself not copying from your friends or just copy the answers from answer schemes.